TAG Membership
Select An Option
Mobility Champion [Premium Sponsorships & Spotlight Recognition]
$10000 Annually
Recognition at all TAG Events
One (1) table of eight (8) plus one (1) seat at the head table at four (4) TAG Events
Early notice for sponsorship and member pricing to participate in the TAG exclusive receptions
Invitation to attend and/or host exclusive members-only coffees, meetings, and roundtables hosted by Mobility Champions / Mobility Partners
Company logo on TAG collateral including website pages, newsletters, and event materials
Special recognition on social media and recap videos including exclusive testimonial footage
Company logo and URL on the TAG Member Directory on the website
Members are invited to sign up for committees to engage our local leaders and policy partners
Admission to the Annual TAG Membership Appreciation Event
Mobility Partner
$8000 Annually
Recognition at all TAG Events
One (1) table of eight (8) at four (4) TAG Events
Early notice for sponsorship and member pricing to participate in the TAG exclusive receptions
Invitation to attend and/or host exclusive members-only coffees, meetings, and roundtables hosted by Mobility Champion / Mobility Partner
Company logo on all TAG collateral including website pages, newsletters, and event materials
Special recognition on social media and recap videos
The company logo and URL on the TAG Member Directory on the website
Members are invited to sign up for committees to engage our local leaders and policy partners
Admission to the Annual TAG Membership Appreciation Event
City [population 50,000+], County & Government Agency // $5,000
$5000 Annually
Large Company [75+ employees in H-GAC area] // $3,000
$3000 Annually
Early registration and member pricing for additional TAG events
Company name on TAG website and selected materials
Access to TAG’s membership members-only meetings and roundtable events
All members are invited to join committees to engage our local leaders and policy partners
Admission to the Annual TAG Membership Appreciation Event
Medium Company [26 – 74 employees in H-GAC area] & Small City
$1500 Annually
Early registration and member pricing for additional TAG events
Access to TAG’s membership members-only meetings and roundtable events
Company name on TAG website directory, and selected material
Members are invited to sign up for committees to engage our local leaders and policy partners
Admission to the Annual TAG Membership Appreciation Event
Small or Non-Profit
$600 Annually
Early registration and member pricing for additional TAG events
Company name on TAG website and selected materials
Members are invited to sign up for committees to engage our local leaders and policy partners
Access to TAG’s membership members-only meetings and roundtable events
Admission to the Annual TAG Membership Appreciation Event
Enter Contact Information
Prefix (i.e. Mr. Mrs. Dr.)
First Name
Last Name
Suffix (i.e Jr. Sr. III)
Family Name
Business Name
View Membership Terms
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist